
Medical staff need to be alert for these symptoms, even in patients who may not admit to or be suspected of alcoholism. Abruptly stopping alcohol use or cutting back on your consumption will lead to acute alcohol withdrawal . Once the acute withdrawal symptoms have alcohol detox side effects stopped, it’s not uncommon for someone to experience protracted withdrawal symptoms that can affect mood, behavior, and physiology. They also note that a person can experience alcohol withdrawal syndrome whether they have been drinking for weeks, months, or years.

alcohol detox side effects

Medical professionals may use the taper method to gradually reduce the dosage of alcohol to safely wean the client off the medication as they manage their withdrawal symptoms. Be sure not to taper too quickly as doing so can lead to withdrawal and relapse. A doctor determines when a person is in alcohol withdrawal after symptoms and medical history are reviewed.

Early symptoms of alcohol withdrawal usually start about six hours after the last drink. Early alcohol detox side effects symptoms include headache, sweating, tremors, vomiting and difficulty concentrating.

Here is a general overview of what happens when a chronic alcohol user stops drinking. Individual experiences may vary, so it is best to consult your doctor about your situation. When consumed in excess, feelings of being drunk occur, which lead to slurred speech, inability to walk, and memory lapses. Chronic drinking affects tolerance, and the body will crave more to produce these feelings. Apart from seizures and hallucinations, benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms also include what’s known as rebound anxiety and rebound insomnia, which are both much stronger versions of regular insomnia and anxiety symptoms. Opioidsare currently among the most abused drugs in the country, whether it’s prescription opioids like Vicodin or OxyContin or illicit opioids like heroin. Opioids act on the brain’s opioid receptors, neurotransmitters designed to help the body manage pain.

Without medical help, you too can experience some of the severe symptoms reported here, but with help from your doctor or another healthcare provider, you can avoid much of the suffering that these people experienced. Up to now we’ve dealt with the severe withdrawal effects of physical dependence on alcohol following prolonged periods of heavy use. Now let’s focus on the withdrawal effects affecting more moderate drinkers. Typically heavy drinkers who are physically dependent on alcohol suffer from alcohol withdrawals, but as we’ll see below, moderate drinkers can also suffer from some of the milder effects after even one night of indulging in an excessive amount of alcohol. However, a small number of people have withdrawal symptoms that last for weeks. long-term alcohol use, here’s what you might experience when you stop drinking, according to Harvard Medical School.

Days Three To Seven

Symptoms are likely to fade after a day or two, but if not, the person may be in Stage 2 of alcohol withdrawal. More serious problems range from hallucinations about 12 to 24 hours after that last drink to seizures within alcohol detox side effects the first 2 days after you stop. That could be because they didn't have normal sleep patterns, to begin with. Or, daily drinking can cause disruptions in sleep, so quitting suddenly can be a shock to the system.

alcohol detox side effects

Delirium tremens also can temporarily reduce the amount of blood flow to your brain. Symptoms can include confusion, disorientation, stupor or loss of consciousness, nervous or angry behavior, irrational beliefs, soaking sweats, sleep disturbances and hallucinations. The cravings and the urge to drink do not suddenly disappear after 30 days of abstinence. Quitting drinking alone may help you return to better health, but for many, it takes work to remain sober and not have a relapse, as you'll see in the experiences shared below. "At the end of today, it will be day 20. I am feeling better than I have in a while, a long while. I still have a few side effects like sleeplessness, anxiety, irritability, and I crave sweets all the time."


"Since I've quit drinking I've had aches in every joint and even now the periodic taste of alcohol in my mouth. It's the taste of detox I'm guessing. Already I'm sleeping better, feeling better though I'm a little spacy and my skin already looks healthier." By day eight of abstinence from alcohol, many people are usually beginning to see the health advantages of having quit drinking. For most, the main symptom they have to deal with after eight days is craving for alcohol. After seven days the battle becomes more psychological than physical for most people who quit drinking. That's the time when having the help of professional counseling or a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous can be of benefit. If you decide to decline medical help and you try to detox on your own, make sure that someone healthy and responsible is around to keep an eye on you in case you get into trouble with severe withdrawal symptoms.

alcohol detox side effects

Understanding the potential side effects of detox can help a person prepare mentally and physically for what’s to come. These psychological effects may be characterized by a severe mental fatigue and lethargy coupled with a feeling of sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness. It may seem like life without alcohol is not worth living, which is not the case, and the anxiety which is another common effect of alcohol withdrawal may amplify this depression. The fear of others and social anxieties in particular will work to keep someone isolated which may further deepen feelings of disconnection and loneliness. These two effects of anxiety and depression, while distinct, may synergize and compound each other.

An alcohol addiction can affect your ability to think, move normally, and fight off disease. It can also increase your risk of cancer, pancreatitis, and liver and heart diseases. If you have behaved inappropriately when drinking or if there are other negative consequences that may have arisen as a result of your drinking then this excessive drinking can lead to feelings of guilt and remorse. If you’ve ever suffered from a headache the day after overindulging in alcohol this was most likely caused by being dehydrated. When our dopamine levels are low it is natural to seek something to raise them again. Like alcohol, sugar can also cause dopamine to be released which is why those suffering alcohol withdrawals often crave something sweet.

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Alcohol?

AWS is more common in adults, but children and teenagers who drink excessively may also experience the symptoms. You’re also at risk for AWS if you’ve previously had withdrawal symptoms or needed medical detox for a drinking problem. A 24-hour medically supervised detox, which can run between seven and 10 days, ensures your vitals are monitored as symptoms are managed, among them dehydration, nausea, insomnia, and others.

alcohol detox side effects

Weaning off alcohol slowly or entering a medical detox program is the safest way to stop drinking. Medical detox is a great first step, but it’s only the beginning of your recovery.

If you are a long-term alcohol user and thinking about stopping, you should avoid the “cold turkey” approach. After the first week, some side effects, particularly the psychological ones, may continue.

Stage 2 Alcohol Detox Side Effects

These symptoms can vary from person to person, but the common thread is that it is an objectively bad time. The physical symptoms will often require hospitalization and medical care since they can present real risks to someone’s health and even their life. The psychological symptoms, while not directly dangerous, are very unpleasant and can often lead someone back to drinking for some sense of relief. You may be able to detox at home and still attend outpatient therapy or support group meetings.

Withdrawal symptoms can start within the first six to 24 hours of the person’s last Addiction drink. The longer the withdrawal period lasts, the worse the symptoms are.

The lack of physical withdrawal symptoms does not make the experience of stimulant detox any less dangerous or unpleasant than the other previously mentioned substances. Between intense drug cravings and often extremely severe depression, odds of relapse and self-harm are both dangerously high. Rebound anxiety can cause severe panic attacks, while rebound insomnia can keep someone awake for days on end. Benzodiazepinessuch as Valium or Xanax are similar to alcohol in that they are also central nervous system depressants, causing feelings of sedation and relaxation, which is why they are typically prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep disorders. Also like alcohol, benzodiazepines haveextremely dangerousdetox side effects, and a benzo detox should never be attempted without careful medical monitoring. Alcohol addiction treatment often begins with medically assisted detox, which rids the body of alcohol.

Day 12

"This is my ninth day of sobriety. It feels good. I feel strong. I am also amazed I have had none of the typical shakes, hallucinations, palpitations, etc. Other than a horrific constant headache." "Just made it to day nine. Still, feel awful but the creepy crawlies have stopped flitting around the corners of my eyes." "My worst withdrawal symptom is that my brain does not seem to work very well. Lot's of spelling errors and poor fine motor skills. I will not even go into the insomnia." "Physically I feel fine now, but I still crave alcohol like crazy. That's going to be the worst part." "I can't believe the luxury of sleep! After a really hard time, I slept for two nights! Not all night, but great sleep." "I'm at day 7 and I feel so wonderful that I don't want to go back. Still, I get the cravings now and then."

You’ll be monitored closely to ensure you go through the withdrawal process safely. Make sure that you do not waste this chance because every failed shot at withdrawal makes the next attempt more difficult to pull off successfully. Ensure your health and safety by learning all you can about alcohol withdrawal timeline and symptoms. But most importantly, remind yourself that there is no shame in asking for help if withdrawal symptoms worsen or if you are not sure if you can manage the challenges of this process by yourself. It is brave of you to decide to quit drinking, but it is foolhardy to take unnecessary risks. If you believe that you can’t manage withdrawal healthily, check into a clinic to detox from alcohol. If you are a habitual drinker but want to quit, ensure that you learn about the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, so you know what to expect and how to prepare to combat their effects.

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